110(3) volume

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S. Rancāne, I. Līcīte, A. Zuševica, S. Zute, I. Jansone, M. Damškalne, L. Zariņa, J. Koroļova, G. Putniece, L. Prysiazhniuk
Biomass of alternative species for traditional cereal crops in Latvia and their potential impact on the carbon cycle
V. Polovyy, L. Yashchenko, I. Marchuk, T. Kolesnyk
Effect of fertilisers, dolomite lime, and crop by-products on crop productivity, phosphorus balance and content in Western Polissia’s Retisol of Ukraine
T. Mir Mahmoudi, H. Hamze, I. Golabi Lak
Impact of biofertiliser and zinc nanoparticles on enzymatic, biochemical, and agronomic properties of sugar beet under different irrigation regimes
N. Kovalchuk, M. Roik, O. Zinchenko
Alloplasmic lines of beets with new cytoplasm from the wild genus Beta patula
K. Zhang
Winter wheat lodging resistance characteristics as affected by nitrogen application time and the underlying mechanism
A. Uzun, Ş. Koçyiğit, H. Pinar, K. Turgunbaev, S. Kaymak
Selection of Central Asian apple species for scab resistance genes using molecular markers
O. Mitrović, T. Vujović, B. Popović, A. Leposavić, Ž. Karaklajić-Stajić, A. Korićanac, N. Miletić
Does the propagation technique affect phytochemical composition of raspberry and blackberry fruits?
Ž. Karaklajić-Stajić, A. Leposavić, M. Milinković, S. M. Paunović, J. Tomić
Mineral composition and bioactive potential of red raspberry fruits, juice, and jam
U. Moor, L. Mainla, K. Karp, M. Maante-Kuljus, A. Koort, T. Tõnutare, P. Põldma
The effect of model-based fungicide and ozonated water spraying on Botrytis fruit rot in open-field strawberries
E. Şen, N. S. Gençer
Effects of five essential oils on three generalist predators and two important whitefly parasitoids
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