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A. Velykis, A. Satkus
The impact of tillage, Ca-amendment and cover crop on the physical state of a clay loam soil |
3–10 |
P. Kraska, S. Andruszczak, P. Oleszczuk, M. Świeca, E. Kwiecińska-Poppe, P. Gierasimiuk, K. Różyło, E. Pałys
The content of elements and quality parameters of winter rye grain as influenced by biochar-amended soil |
11–20 |
R. Velička, R. Pupalienė, L. M. Butkevičienė, R. Kosteckas, Z. Kriaučiūnienė,
S. Kosteckienė
Weed density in the spring rape crops sown at different dates |
21–26 |
S. Jankauskienė
Evaluation of some old Lithuanian flax cultivars included in the List of Lithuanian Traditional Crafts |
27–32 |
G. Statkevičiūtė, V. Kemešytė, A. Aleliūnas, K. Jonavičienė, G. Brazauskas
LpBRI1 polymorphism association with flag leaf architecture in perennial ryegrass |
33–38 |
G. Branković, D. Dodig, V. Pajić, V. Kandić, D. Knežević, N. Đurić, T. Živanović
Genetic parameters of Triticum aestivum and Triticum durum for technological quality properties in Serbia |
39–48 |
H. M. A. Jamil, S. Rashid, G. H. Abbasi, R. Ahmad
Differential expression of antioxidants, Fe and Zn transporter genes in wheat under Pb stress |
49–54 |
M. Matoša Kočar, A. Sudarić, R. Sudar, T. Duvnjak, Z. Zdunić
Screening of early maturing soybean genotypes for production of high quality edible oil |
55–62 |
D. Urbonavičienė, R. Bobinaitė, S. Trumbeckaitė, L. Raudonė, V. Janulis, Č. Bobinas,
P. Viškelis
Agro-industrial tomato by-products and extraction of functional food ingredients |
63–70 |
J. Viškelis, N. Uselis, M.Liaudanskas, V. Janulis, P. Bielicki, T. Univer, J. Lepsis,
D. Kviklys
Triterpenic acid content in the fruit peels of Malus × domestica Borkh. depends on the growing technology |
71–78 |
H. M. Lajayer, H. Zakizadeh, Y. Hamidoghli, M. H. Bigluei, E. Chamani
Ornamental potential and freezing tolerance of six Thymus spp. species as ground-covering plants in the landscape |
79–88 |
Short communication |
M. Dikilitas, A. Çelik Oğuz, A. Karakaya
Extracellular protease activity and glucose production in isolates of net blotch pathogens differing in virulence |
89–94 |
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