
ISSN 1392-3196 / e-ISSN 2335-8947
Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, vol. 106, No. 2 (2019), p. 117–122
DOI  10.13080/z-a.2019.106.015

Evaluation of genetic and morphological distances between soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars



The study focuses on the polymorphism in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars based on molecular and morphological marker traits. The evaluation of soybean cultivars by DNA markers was carried out with the aid of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis using four microsatellite markers (Satt 228, Satt 726, Satt 063 and Satt 114) and 20 morphological traits. The frequency of identified alleles varied from 0.02 to 0.28; polymorphism index by the markers under study averaged 0.89. Genetic distances between the cultivars by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and morphological markers were determined using cluster analysis. According to the obtained distribution by microsatellite markers, the largest distance (3.87) was between cultivars ‘Alaska’ and ‘Alinda’. The most related were cultivars forming the same cluster with the value of 2.00, namely DH 530 and ‘Abelina’, ‘OAC Leikviu’ and ‘Monarkh’, ‘SG SR Picor’ and ‘Hieba’. Cluster analysis of soybean cultivars by morphological traits showed that ‘Abelina’ was the most distant from the group of investigated cultivars with a value of genetic distances ranged from 2.8 to 11.0. Cultivars ‘Amadeus’ and DH 530, which formed a cluster and were at a distance of 1.4, appeared the most morphologically similar. Analysis of genetic distances by SSR markers and morphological traits showed a positive correlation by Mantel test. Description of morphological traits and microsatellite markers is useful for the identification of soybean cultivars, building-up collections of well-known cultivars and determination of the differences between them.

Key words: cluster analysis, Mantel test, molecular and genetic polymorphism, simple sequence repeat.

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