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M. Muraškienė, J. Aleinikovienė, R. Skuodienė, D. Tomchuk, K. Armolaitis
Soil respiration and microbial biomass peculiarities as influenced by different land use intensity |
3–10 |
G. Staugaitis, A. Šarka
The content of mineral nitrogen in Histosols and its relationship with soil organic matter |
11–16 |
M. Toleikienė, A. Arlauskienė, L. Šarūnaitė, G. Šidlauskaitė, Ž. Kadžiulienė
The effect of plant-based organic fertilisers on the yield and nitrogen utilization of spring cereals in the organic cropping system |
17–24 |
R. Skuodienė, D. Karčauskienė, V. Feiza, D. Feizienė, R. Repšienė, G. Šiaudinis
Changes in weed flora under the influence of long term application of liming and reduced soil tillage |
25–32 |
M. S. Simić, V. Dragičević, D. Chachalis, Ž. Dolijanović, M. Brankov
Integrated weed management in long-term maize cultivation |
33–40 |
A. Liatukiene, R. Skuodiene, D. Tomchuk, V. Danyte
Evaluation of agro-biological traits of Medicago sativa and M. varia in Cambisol and Retisol |
41–48 |
J. Chrpová, J. Palicová, L. Štěrbová, M. Trávníčková, V. Dumalasová, M. Chourová
Resistance against Fusarium head blight in oats |
49–54 |
G. Gadimaliyeva, Z. Akparov, N. Aminov, A. Aliyeva, J. Ojaghi, S. Salayeva, M. Serpoush, A. Mammadov, A. Morgounov
Assessment of synthetic wheat lines for soil salinity tolerance |
55–62 |
A. Kiel, D. Weigt, M. Karpińska, D. Kurasiak-Popowska, J. Niemann, A. Tomkowiak,
S. Mikołajczyk, J. Nawracała
An analysis of the functionality of molecular markers related to the Lr19 gene conditioning resistance to wheat leaf rust |
63–70 |
M. Podwyszyńska, M. Sitarek, A. Marasek-Ciołakowska, U. Kowalska
Nuclear DNA content and phenotypic traits of the Prunus rootstocks from Poland’s gene resources |
71–78 |
Y. Vasebi, R. Khakvar, M. M. Faghihi, B. A. Vinatzer
Expression of pathogenicity and virulence related genes in Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae under copper stress |
79–86 |
I. Kudlinskienė, R. Gružauskas, A. Daukšienė, G. Dovidaitienė, R. Želvytė,
I. Monkevičienė, E. Šlyžius, D. Urbšienė, A. Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė, M. Ots, M. Kass,
H. Žilinskas, R. Stankevičius
Effect of extrusion on the chemical composition of the faba beans and its influence on lactation performance of dairy cows |
87–94 |
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