ISSN 1392-3196 / e-ISSN 2335-8947
Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, vol. 109, No. 1 (2022), p. 89–93
DOI 10.13080/z-a.2022.109.012
The first appearance of the citrus flower moth (Prays citri (Millière, 1873)) (Lepidoptera: Praydidae) in Lithuania
Vytautas TAMUTIS, Virginijus SRUOGA, Laima ČESONIENĖ, Remigijus DAUBARAS
The citrus flower moth (Prays citri (Millière, 1873)) feeding on calamondin (Citrus × macrocarpa) in greenhouses in Lithuania were found on 20 April 2021. Based on a comprehensive analysis of morphological features of the moths, they were identified as Prays citri (Millière, 1873) (Lepidoptera: Praydidae). A small population of moths successfully survived in the unheated greenhouse till November. This species is one of the most harmful pests of citrus plants and can cause substantial economic losses in the Mediterranean basin and some tropical areas of the world. However, it has been detected in some central and even northern European countries in the last two decades. The article provides information about the first appearance of P. citri in Lithuania. Additionally, the paper includes a detailed and originally illustrated morphological description based on the collected specimens and a brief review of species distribution, biology, and the possible risk of this pest spreading in the country.
Keywords: moth, citrus pest, calamondin.